Raleigh Attic Insulation Specialists
Solar Installation

Solar Power using photovoltaic panels (PV) isn’t just a thing of the future anymore. Affordable solar is here. If done correctly solar panels can be installed and produce the majority of the power that the home uses. Fan Man looks at solar a little differently that the average solar company. While we custom design, engineer and install top notch solar systems we first look at the current energy usage and performance of the home. It typically costs much less to save energy than to create it. We like to start by doing a comprehensive energy audit and uncover the most economical ways to save energy then the solar systems we install have a larger impact on the overall energy bill. This is our specialty. There are also tax credits available, the federal credit is 30% through 2019 (Federal tax credit link). While the NC state tax credit expired in 2015 a new credit has been established in SC and is up to 25%. Contact us today for your free solar evaluation and we can help determine all your options.

We install all types of Photovoltaic systems which include the following:

  • Grid Tied Systems
  • Off Grid Systems
  • Grid Tied with Battery Backup
  • Electric Car Charging Stations
  • Ground Mounted Systems
  • All types of Roof Mounted Systems, Residential or Commercial.
solar installation commercial

Power Your Home with Clean Solar Energy

Take advantage of renewable energy and start cutting your bills. Call us at  704-759-9964 or fill out the form below to schedule your free solar power quote.

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