Raleigh Attic Insulation Specialists

Cornelius Insulation Contractors Address Heating and Cooling Issues

A homeowner in Cornelius was thinking of buying a new furnace after last year’s cold weather left his house quite drafty and intolerable. His family was always bundled under blankets because the house just wouldn’t warm up. Before he made any big decisions he called the Fan Man Inc. for a residential energy audit and found that he needed services from them as the skilled Cornelius insulation contractors.

The Fan Man Inc. energy audit experts arrived at the home and started the energy audit. The energy audit provided the homeowner with the reason his home was not warm throughout the winter. The customer needed adequate insulation in his home and with the new insulation he wouldn’t have to purchase a new furnace at all. The homeowner was thrilled with the news and asked us to install the insulation. Our crew added insulation in the attic and sealed the attic of any leaks that was present. Sealing the air leaks is just as important as adding the proper insulation for the home. After doing the math the homeowner quickly realized that if he had insulation installed he would have a warmer home and have to run the furnace far less. He was thrilled at the result of the free consultation and the great news that he didn’t have to spend money on purchasing a new furnace for his home. The insulation and air leaks sealed was far more affordable for the homeowner, which of course he loved.

Cooling Attics

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